Schlagwort-Archive: old blog

repost from old blog

Personal Backup

In diesen Zeiten, wo immer mehr Dinge nur noch Digital im Computer vorhanden sind, ist es wichtiger denn je, in regelmäßigen Abständen eine möglichst vollständige Datensicherung anzulegen. In den großen Firmen dieses Landes kümmern sich ( hoffentlich ) die entsprechenden Spezialisten um diese Problematik, ohne den Anwender damit zu „belästigen“. Aber was soll man im privaten Umfeld machen, wo sich jeder um seinen Computer selbst kümmert? Naja, man sollte sich auch selbst um die Datensicherung kümmern. Personal Backup weiterlesen

Universal TCP/IP Network Bootdisk and PXELINUX

This is a repost from my old blog.

This is a very special thing. I’m running a boot server in my network. And I wanted to boot an image of Universal TCP/IP Network Bootdisk v6.2 ( directly over the network.

Universal TCP/IP Network Bootdisk only needs one floppy disk and contains all files and tools for booting MS-DOS and connecting to a windows share / samba share on the network. I like to use it for HDD imaging tools like „Drive Image“. Universal TCP/IP Network Bootdisk and PXELINUX weiterlesen

Mozilla Sync Server v1.1

This is a repost from my old blog. Version 1.1 of the Mozilla Sync Server is outdated. I will describe the setup of the new Sync Server in an other post.

The current Mozilla Firefox has a nice sync feature. It allows to share bookmarks and settings between several installations of Firefox on different machines. Usually the data is uploaded to a server operated by Mozilla. For those who want to run their own server, there is Mozilla Sync Server available. You just need a Linux host, Apache web server, a SQL database and some other tools like Python. Here is a short, basic How-To on what has to be done written by Mozilla. That is where I started. Mozilla Sync Server v1.1 weiterlesen